With over 50 years experience,
S. Thai Sanguan has continuously been your expertise in supplying only the best quality paper sticker for your printing and advertisement industries.
" Our credibility is developed through experiences, please let us suggest/supply you with our quality sticker for your top-notch printing quality. "
Paper Label available in Cast Coated paper, Art paper and Printing paper format.
Suitable for : General paper label application, advertisement, price tag label, packing list tag, product identification. Usable through Inkjet, Offset and Silkscreen printing system
Direct Thermal, Thermal Transfer are also available for all kinds of barcode printing.
High performance PVC filmic label comes with superior quality for both indoor and outdoor performance (high endurance for sun, heat and rains)
Suitable for : Advertisement work, buildings/vehicles/laptops decoration, electrical appliances, petrol gallon. PVC Vacuum is widely used to stick on all mirrors types.
New Products! PP Sticker including high quality of global PP film for digital printing (Gloss/ Matt/ Transparent) with superior resistance than PVC against heat and water.
Suitable for : Skincare and household cosmetics and other packages directly confronted with water
PE Sticker
Suitable for : Electrical appliances/ any high-heat packages. PE sticker comes with superior elasticity for Lotion/cream packages labeling.
Polyester Sticker High quality of PET film for dimensional stability, extra high heat resistant
Suitable for : durable end-use applications requiring good resistance against heat, water, oil and chemicals.
Security Label highly tolerates against heat and water. Its special characteristic is leaving VOID/stains mark once the surface is peeled.
Other available products include Spray Silicone and Anti-Set Off Powder.
We also supply Hot Stamping Foil and Aluminium Foil Boxboard those are suitable for premium packaging such as Wine box, Cosmetic packaging and other product packages
ที่อยู่ : 111/5-8 ถนน จรัสเมือง แขวง รองเมือง เขต ปทุมวัน กทม. 10330
โทร. 0-22142486,7, ไลน์ ไอดี : sts4839
อีเมล : stssticker@yahoo.co.th
Address : 111/5-8 Charad Muang Road, Rongmuang, Patumwan Bangkok 10330
Tel. 0-22142486-7, Fax : 0-22150460, 0-22140291
Line ID : sts4839, Email : stssticker@yahoo.co.th